In order to begin the second part of Help Manuel 2010 named Building Pride, the whole group went to La cruz neighborhood located at Medellín´s north-east zone, willing to know the conditions, lifestyle and environment of these communities and its inhabitants. The students expect to contribute with the current social transformation of the city which can be seen in programs such as those carried out by the social housing and habitat institute of Medellin –ISVIMED-; in charge of building 15000 social houses at different places of Medellín but for people such as La cruz inhabitants.
Para comenzar el segundo proyecto de Help Manuel 2010 llamado “Building Pride”, Construyendo Orgullo, los participantes se dirigieron al barrio la Cruz en el nororiente de la ciudad, para explorar las condiciones y el ambiente en el que viven sus habitantes. Los estudiantes desean contribuir con la transformación social que se viene dando en la ciudad y que se ve reflejada en programas como el del Instituto Social de Vivienda y Hábitat de Medellín –ISVIMED- el cual tiene la responsabiliad de construir quince mil viviendas de interés social en diferentes partes de Medellín y para familias como las que viven en la zona.
As one ISVIMED member explained, the construction or improvement of La cruz dwellings is a Medellín´s administration program which not only aims to build houses but also to improve the life quality and coexistence within the neighborhood through the support and strengthening of the family.
Como lo explicó uno de los integrantes del ISVIMED, la construcción o mejoramiento de estas viviendas es un proyecto de la Alcaldía de Medellín el cual no solo busca construir una vivienda sino mejorar la calidad de vida y la convivencia dentro del barrio a través del apoyo y fortalecimiento del núcleo familiar.
Until now, 10.056 houses have been built within a 13 months period, but the goal is to reach 15.000 during the coming year. In addition, the ISVIMED and its program ¨Viviendas con corazón¨ (Houses with heart) consist of 80 professionals such as social workers, engineers, communicators, architects, among others and it has created 4000 new jobs for the city.
Until now, 10.056 houses have been built within a 13 months period, but the goal is to reach 15.000 during the coming year. In addition, the ISVIMED and its program ¨Viviendas con corazón¨ (Houses with heart) consist of 80 professionals such as social workers, engineers, communicators, architects, among others and it has created 4000 new jobs for the city.
Hasta el momento se han construido 10.056 casas en un periodo de 13 meses pero la meta es llegar a 15.000 el próximo año. Además, el ISVIMED y su programa ¨Viviendas con corazón¨ cuenta con 80 profesionales entre trabajadores sociales, ingenieros, comunicadores, arquitectos, entre otros y ha generado alrededor de 4000 empleos directos.
It is important to note that those people benefited by ¨Viviendas con corazón¨ program don´t have the enough economic resources to afford the total construction of a house; therefore, the program charges only 10% of the whole house price. It is expected for those who receive assistance to improve, rebuild or buy a new house, to exemplify the good coexistence within the community and improve the life quality around them. To conclude, ¨The violence should not predominate in these neighborhoods. We must show our positive side in order to support these people¨ argued the professor Marc Tassoul from TUDelft.
Es importante resaltar que quienes se benefician del proyecto Viviendas con corazón, no tienen los recursos suficientes para pagar la construcción total de una vivienda y por dicho motivo, solo deben cancelar el 10% del costo total de la misma. Se espera que quienes reciban los subsidios para mejorar, reconstruir o comprar una vivienda nueva, hagan de su barrio una comunidad y un lugar donde se pueda tener una buena calidad de vida. En conclusión “En estos barrios no debe predominar la violencia, debemos ponerle la cara positiva para ayudar a esta gente” señaló el profesor Marc Tassoul.
At the end of the visit, each group of students went to a family dwell which was previously selected by ISVIMED and will be taken as a case of study. During the visit, the groups interviewed different family members aiming to find key points which will enable them to support the community. The main objective is for the students to create products, systems or strategies focused on stimulating community to be proud of their homes, encouraging the will to be together and improving their life quality.
At the end of the visit, each group of students went to a family dwell which was previously selected by ISVIMED and will be taken as a case of study. During the visit, the groups interviewed different family members aiming to find key points which will enable them to support the community. The main objective is for the students to create products, systems or strategies focused on stimulating community to be proud of their homes, encouraging the will to be together and improving their life quality.
Para finalizar la visita al barrio, cada grupo de trabajo se dirigió a la vivienda de una familia que fue previamente seleccionada y que les servirá como caso de estudio. Durante esta visita, los grupos entrevistaron a algunos de los integrantes de las familias con el fin de encontrar los puntos claves que les permitan ayudar a la comunidad. El objetivo es que los estudiantes creen productos, sistemas o estrategias que les permitan a estas personas sentir orgullo por su hogar, estimular el deseo de continuar unidas como están y mejorar su calidad de vida.
Flower Power
Mix & Fix
At the end of the day, the four work groups got together at EAFIT University in order to share their experiences at La cruz and how the interaction with the family was. At this moment the HEAR stage begins and it is where each group will discuss and put their ideas in order for the coming project stage, CREATE.
Al final del día, los diferentes grupos de trabajo se reunieron en las instalaciones de la Universidad EAFIT para compartir sus experiencias en la visita al barrio la cruz y la interacción con las familias. En éste momento se inicia la etapa HEAR donde cada grupo discutirá y organizará las ideas que tendrán en cuenta en la siguiente etapa del proyecto, CREATE.
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